I am a student in the Interactive Digital Media program at the University of Toronto, Mississauga. I am also pursuing a Minor in Anthropology and Professional Writing.

I am married to the love of my life Tiago Moreira and we have a cute bunny, Mokona.

From the day I got him, Mokona, has been a joy in our life. He is a source of joy, misery (when he’s sick), and jealousy (mostly from my hubby). There are a lot of people who like rabbits and want to get one but have no idea about them. I want to help people make informed decisions about having a pet rabbit.

(How can you not love that face!)


I hobbies are:

– Reading books and manga

– Playing games: Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, etc.

– Watching anime

– Spending time with my hubby and bunny